The Chauffeur Group provides executive car services to corporate and private clients. The company recognises that its employees and the services we provide can have an impact on both the local and global environment. We understand our responsibility to the community and aim to minimise the adverse effects our business has on the environment wherever possible.

1.     Our policy


1.1.    Actively strive to further environmental resource conservation by exercising best management and operational practice.

1.2.    Develop management systems to ensure that environmental factors are included in the balance of all our decision making.

1.3.    Liaise with our clients on potential environmental issues and work with them to address concerns.

1.4.    Implement waste management practices that meet the requirements of “Duty of Care”.

1.5.    Strive to improve standards where reasonably practical and economic.

1.6.    Increase staff and customer awareness of this policy through training, company documentation and marketing material.

1.7.    The management will have overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation.

1.8.    Review this environment policy, its procedures and performance on an annual basis.

2.     Procurement


2.1.    Wherever possible the procurement of stationery and other materials that we use within our business will be specified as re-cycled.

2.2.    Non-essential office equipment and lighting will be switched off when not in use to conserve energy.

2.3.    Paper based systems will be reduced by utilising electronic systems such as reservations, billing and invoicing.

3.     Our business


3.1.    Our aim is to introduce fully electric cars into our fleet by 2020 which will reduce the amount of carbon our business produces.

3.2.    We will follow guidelines and requirements as requested by the Government and the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

3.3.    All our vehicles and partner vehicles will be serviced as per the manufacturers schedule.

3.4.    Scheduling of journeys to minimise unloaded miles will be organised where practical.

3.5.    We will actively encourage our car share scheme with our clients and their travellers to help reduce their CO2 emissions.

4.     Our long-term objectives are


4.1.    Reduce our overall carbon footprint.

4.2.    Reduce our consumption of fossil fuels in favour of renewable energy sources.

4.3.    Invest in clean, energy efficient technology, vehicles and equipment.


It is the responsibility of The Chauffeur Groups’ Directors, management and employees to implement this policy and any rules or procedures which may be introduced.

This policy is communicated to all employees.